Archive for September, 2013

Punk ‘n Hood #4 ‘Tricked’


This was hands down my favorite ‘Punk ‘n Hood’ I’ve written! Eugene ‘The Magician’ Roberts is my favorite character in the 5d universe and bringing him into a situation with Punk ‘n Hood was really fun. 

Mr. Sean Fagan was kind enough to once again lend us his lettering services and we are eternally grateful to him! You can find more info on him and all his crazy shenanigans here:

That’s the link to my dream becoming reality. Sometimes I just stare at it and wonder who out there is contemplating clicking it and pledging towards something so special to me.
We’ve come a long way!

71% funded! You read that correctly! We are 71% of our goal with 19 days to go! I’d like to thank each and every one of you who’ve pledged or helped spread the word, we literally couldn’t do this without you and I WILL make this book worth every penny! I won’t lie, the Kickstarter campaign has been rough on me.  My email is tied to my phone and every time I hear that chime, my heart skips a beat and all I hear in my head is “this could be a backer, this could be a backer, this could be a backer!”

So far, we have 80 backers so my heart is jumping all over the place! I’ll be OK, don’t worry. Even though we’ve come a long way in a short time, we still have a long road in front of us. Never before has 29% seemed such a huge percentage, but that’s what it’s going to take. 

I implore you to give the Kickstarter campaign a look and please pledge what you can for some amazing rewards! We still have some opportunities to be drawn into the book, exclusive prints, original art, commission opportunities and lots more! Fourteen people have worked their asses off to make this book…but it’s up to you to bring it into reality!

Yours in gratitude,


Thanks so much to all of you who have pledged to make ‘The Wisdom of Fools’ a reality! If you’re still on the fence, please give us a look, we’ve got some amazing rewards for you and a few surprises coming up for backers very soon!

So please consider pledging but if you still can’t, sharing the Kickstarter link via your social circles is worth something as well! Again, to all who have pledged, THANK YOU!


A few weeks ago, I stumbled across an inspiring article about a guy who decided he wasn’t going to let real life obligations prevent him from making a dream come true. That man is Gavin McCumiskey and that dream is making comics!

I had a chance to interview him recently, so read on, be inspired and get to know Green Monkey Comics!


Hello Gavin! Can you tell us a little about yourself?

Hi David, it’s real nice to talk to you.  Well, I have been collecting comics since I was about twelve years of age, with only a small break when I was about 19.  Thankfully I stumbled across a comic shop in Dublin not long after and started collecting again, I picked up some back issues to catch up and get everything back on track.  I now live in Tullamore with my wife Jill and three kids, Scott, Isabelle and Jake.  I am 35 years of age and in full time employment, so all I do with comics is in my spare time.

Tell us about Green Monkey Comics.

Green Monkey Comics came about for several reasons.  In February of this year, I listened to a radio interview with Will Sliney and it sparked a fire in me to write my own comic (unlike Will, my artistic skills are non existant).  After getting a lot of advice and direction from all quarters, I sat down and wrote a few scripts.  I decided to go for short stories with no capes or zombies in sight.  I also decided that I would undertake the publishing process myself and needed a label, hence Green Monkey Comics was born.  The first publication would be the collection of the short stories, under the title Innocent Tales – probably because they are not so innocent…

So ‘Innocent Tales’ is the first book published from Green Monkey Comics. Can you tell us the idea behind the book?

Innocent Tales was indeed the first book published and I picked it up from the printers about three weeks ago.  The idea was to tell a story.  I know comics are a visual medium and I wanted that to be great, but I didn’t want to solely really on it.  So each of the stories I have written are what I like to call, stories for the thoughtful.  On the first read, they will delivery a certain idea or thought, on the second reading, you will definitely get more from the story, and that was my intention with each of them.

Sounds awesome! Where can readers get their hands on a copy?

So far, it is only on sale in shops in Ireland, however, people can buy online through – hopefully, at some stage in the future, I will have my comics stocked in American shops.

What inspires you to write? Is there anything in particular that get the creative juices flowing?

 I have always been creative, however I think my biggest inspiration has come from not wanting to let this life pass me by without doing something that I wanted to do, for myself. 

What artists have you worked with since founding ‘Green Monkey Comics’?

The artists I have worked with are Anthony O’Neill from Ennis, Ger Hankey from Dublin and Steven Richardson (S. Rhoades) from the US of A – great guys and very talented.  For issue 2 I am working with Anthony again, also, Ruairí Coleman, Chris O’Halloran and Eoin Hurrell.  It is great to work with people of such talent.

What comics are you reading these days?

I am reading a lot of Image, Garth Ennis, Batman and Hickman – my tastes have changed a lot over the last couple of years.  My first comics to read every month are Red Team, the new Judge Dredd from IDW, The Wake, Jennifer Blood, Batman, and Half Past Danger from Stephen Mooney and IDW.

What are your plans for the future?

Plans for the future are, Innocent Tales #2 and #3, The Woodsman which is a three issue mini series, SIX, which is a pitch to some of the big boys, and a couple of other top secret projetcs!!

Thanks, Gavin! Tell everyone where they can get more information on ‘Green Monkey Comics’!

 People can look me up through, the facebook page of the same name, twitter @gmccumiskey or e-mail on – thanks for the time mate!


A big thanks to Gavin for taking time out to give us a quick interview! I hope you guys will check out Green Monkey Comics, the guy has truly got his shit together and I can’t wait to see what’s next! My copy of ‘Innocent Tales’ is on the way to me and I’ll post up a full review after I give it a few reads. 

Also, don’t forget ‘The Wisdom of Fools’ Kickstarter launched today! I’m glad to say that it hasn’t even been a full day and we are up to almost $600! Thanks to all who’ve pledged…if you are yet to pledge, I hope you’ll consider it. The book you’ll be getting is top notch work from some of the greatest Indie writers and artists in the world! Together we can make this happen! Thank you all!